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Research |
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Patent |
Model construction |
Elaboration patents |
1. Speak with nobody about your idea. - For a patent application it is important that your idea is not known yet. Notices: Only you may know about it. 2. Speak with MERBIL EM about your idea. - They receive of course a discretion explanation. Notices: Only then we speak about your idea. 3. MERBIL EM if your idea examines for novelty degree. - They receive a search to the state of the technology. Notices: Then you see whether your idea is new. 4. If your idea is new. - Then we compile your patent application. (textual and drawing elaboration). Notices: They become the patentee, not MERBIL EM. 5. Patent application submits then to the responsible Patent office. - What happens after the patent application? Notices: See Patent applikation. |
MERBIL EM I DE - 47249 Duisburg I Münchener Str. 7 I GERMANY I Tel.: +49 203 40 65 65 9 I Fax: +49 203 44 92 183 |