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of vehicles individual


Participation by the company



Company for the production from high-quality body and vehicle structure

Technology to wide marketing from vehicle construct by slide out and improvement the transport security in the traffic.

Participation supply: a typical silent participation

Way this business: register participation on the corporation by faithful company

Ground dividend: 6,5 % p. a.

Target dividend: 10 - 12 % p. a.





Model construction



Seed phase/ Construction of vehicles, with new technologies

As a serious investor the freedom, to overshoot and to own no growth borders in form of missing financial resources?


You offer support to move the next steps in rest, but with determination?


Your success also depends on our success?


You answered all three questions, here for yourselves with yes, please contact.




MERBIL FB I DE - 47249 Duisburg I Münchener Str. 7 I GERMANY I Tel.: +49 203 40 65 65 9 I Fax: +49 203 44 92 183